Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
The Pupil Premium is a government grant, introduced in April 2011, that targets extra money at pupils from deprived backgrounds.
Research shows that these pupils generally underachieve compared to their peers. The premium is given to schools so that they can provide additional support for these pupils and ensure they reach their potential.
The Government calculates how much Pupil Premium money each school receives by looking at the number of children at the school who are registered for free school meals, and at the number of children in local authority care. These are used as general indicators of deprivation. The school then receives a fixed amount of money per pupil registered for free school meals or in care.
The Government is not dictating how schools should spend this money, but schools have to show that they are using it effectively to narrow the achievement gap between children from deprived backgrounds and others. School performance tables will now include information about the attainment of pupils from deprived backgrounds compared with their peers.
Click the following links to find how we spend our grant and the impact it has:
Pupil Premium Grant 2021-22
Pupil Premium Grant 2020-21 impact report
Pupil Premium Grant 2020-21
Pupil Premium Grant 2019-20
Pupil Premium Grant 2018-19