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PE & Sports Premium

What is the PE and sports premium?

The PE and sport premium is funding provided by the Government to help primary schools improve the quality of PE and sport activities they offer.

Schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6.

Using the PE and sport premium

Schools must use the funding to make sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. Schools cannot use it for teachers’ planning and preparation time nor must we use it to teach the minimum requirements of the National Curriculum. 
To make these improvements sustainable, we spend money on:

  • equipment that can be used now and into the future
  • children's engagement with sport for fun and in competition
  • teacher continuing professional development to improve the teaching of PE

To find out how we use the PE Premium and the impact it has had, please click on the link below.

Sports Premium BJS 2023-24