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Learning for Life


Belmont Junior School is a two-forms of entry Junior school admitting children in Years 3 – 6.

Belmont Infant School adheres to the Local Authority criteria for selecting pupils to attend the school, even Nursery children. See the criteria below.

For in year admissions please contact Haringey:  In-year admission to school | Haringey Council   

We regularly check if we have a waiting list and contact parents if we have space. We currently have spaces  - please contact Haringey if you would like to be put on the list for this. 

Tours for prospective parents/ carers

We carry out regular tours of the school so you can make an informed decision about where you send your child. Where possible only one parent please.

Meetings to discuss transition arrangements are held during the Summer Term each year.
Applications to join our school are made in accordance with Haringey’s Admission Policy (see link below).

The following criteria, in order of priority, are applied when allocating places:

1.  Children in public care.
2.  Children with exceptional medical, social and educational needs. (Those children who have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)
3.  Children with siblings already attending the Junior School
4.  Children with siblings already attending the Infant School.
5.  Children living closest to the school.

If you are interested in a place for your child at Belmont Junior School, please contact the school office to arrange a visit on 0208 888 8261. Applications will need to be made through Haringey School Admissions. Click here to apply