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School Meals

School meals at Belmont are provided by Lunchtime Co.

Lunchtime Co. state their vision for school meals as follows:

Making lunchtime the highlight of your day

To find out more about Lunchtime and their suppliers please visit the Lunchtime website .
Their Allergens policy can be viewed here.

Available every day at lunchtime and made fresh in our kitchen we offer:

  • Meat-free Mondays
  • Fish on Friday
  • A children's choice for dessert every Friday (voted for by all each week)
  • Unlimited salad bar 
  • Freshly baked bread every day
  • Jacket potato or pasta every day
  • Serve yourself yoghurt, seeds and fruit compote
  • Unlimited fresh mixed fruit platter 

Your current menu, along with allergens, can be found here:


 The Mayor of London ensures all children aged 5-11 gets a free school meal every day.

Packed lunches

If you are preparing packed lunches for your child, ensuring the lunch is balanced and healthy can really help your child's health, as well as their readiness to learn at school. We ask that parents provide their child with a healthy, balanced packed lunch.  Here is a healthy packed lunch check list to support you in preparing this:

  1. 1/2 of the packed lunch should be vegetables and fruit (with more vegetables than fruit).
  2. 1/4 of the lunch should be protein. For example meat and fish, egg, pulses (beans/ lentils), dairy (yoghurt/ cheese) or Tofu/ Quorn
  3. 1/4 of the lunch should be starchy foods (wholegrain wherever possible) For example: rice, pasta Bread Potatoes

See Appendix 1:  Packed Lunch Guide (haringey.gov.uk)

Belmont Food Policy 2024