Visitor Rules
Belmont Junior School Visitor Rules
We are implementing the following rules to help ensure that we maintain a Covid-secure environment for all:
- If you or anyone in your household is displaying symptoms of Covid-19 or is currently residing in a locally 'locked down’ area then you must not visit the school.
- All visitors must sanitise their hands on arrival.
- All parent visitors must sign in on arrival using the school electronic Inventry system. All other visitors must sign in on arrival and provide their email address and phone number to enable visitors to be tracked and traced should the need arise.
- Visitors must also sign a disclaimer stating that they haven’t visited any countries not included on the travel corridor list within the last 14 days and that they are not displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
- All visitors must follow current guidance relating to social distancing (at least 1m). Visitors may not enter classrooms or rooms which are used exclusively by separate year group ‘bubbles’.
- Visitors must wear a face covering whilst moving in the school building. In meetings, face coverings can be removed as long as social distancing is strictly observed.
- Hygiene and hand-washing precautions should be followed at all times.
- Any resources or equipment belonging to the visitor and used by children must be cleaned between users in different bubbles
- Tables and chairs used by any children must be cleaned between users from different bubbles
- Any visitor who is using a room must ensure that the windows are left open for the duration of their time in that room (doors can be closed where the work is confidential)